truSculpt® 3D

truSculpt® 3D

Breakthrough Technology

truSculpt3D is the latest nonsurgical, no downtime procedures that is clinically proven to reduce problem fat areas on the body which are resistant to diet and exercise. truSculpt3D is a breakthrough technology which uses RF (radio frequency) energy to precisely heat and permanently  damage fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue layer. These are then eliminated from the body through the body’s natural processes. The truSculpt3D is the ONLY device used to reduce fat and tighten skin as well as having FDA-clearance for treatment on all areas of the body.  This device has clinically achieved the highest percentage of fat loss after one treatment using ultra sound to measure the fat thickness.

truSculpt 3D is an ideal alternative for both women and men who live a healthy lifestyle but have problem areas of fat that neither a NO-carb, NO sugar diet or any amount of crunches will resolve. To know whether you are a good candidate, we recommend a consultation with Katrina Freestone glows Laser Technician/Aesthetician who will explain the truSculpt technology in detail and determine if the treatment is right for your fat problem.

“Dr. Patrick is a good doctor and follows up with his patients. His staff is very pleasant. My procedure is turning out really nice and Dr. Patrick said if there are any problem areas he will fix.”


Why truSculpt® 3D?

There are only a few restrictions on who should not have truSculpt treatments. These include pregnant women, individuals with cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillators, people with metallic implants directly in the targeted area, for example a joint replacement; and individuals with tumors in the target area.
The number of sessions needed is depended on the desired result and the area being treated. Treating subcutaneous fat underneath the chin with truSculpt for example could require 2 to 3 sessions spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. Treating the abdomen and flanks with truSculpt 3D would typically require one session or possible two depending on desired result and starting point.
Typically a common treatment such as abdomen and flanks would take about one hour of treatment time.
While pain varies from patient to patient, most find the procedure comfortable.
The length of time to see results varies depending on various factors such as your starting point, your normal activity level, and the number of sessions completed at one time. The unwanted fat cells are heated with RF energy and gradually die off and then the body’s natural processes gradually break down and eliminate the treated fat cells from the body. This process takes different amounts of time but typically patients begin seeing results in about 4 weeks and this continues through 3 months and beyond.
truSculpt 3D is a non-invasive procedures and there is no downtime. You can return to normal daily activities immediately post treatment.

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

Birthday Month Special
10% off a treatment or product of your choice during your birthday month! (Some restrictions apply)